Friday, February 27, 2009

Well Here Goes!

So, I never thought I'd be one for blogging, yet here I am! I'm not sure who will be reading this but I figured "what the hell?"! Might as well jump on the blogging band wagon! If nothing else I guess it's a good place for family and friends to keep up with the two most beautiful children God ever created!! princess and my angel! My Princess Ryann is 5 1/2 going on 16. Some days she is so sassy. I get worried about what the teenage years have in store for us! Yikes!! And my Angel Logan. She turned 9 months old today! I can't believe it! The time has gone by so incredibly fast. We got her ears pierced today. She looks so cute and only cried for a minute or two. They did it so fast it was over before she knew what hit her!

I'm off now to spend time with the fam!!